Capillary routing builder and ARON calculator


Version 060314a30


The most important change of the present version of capillary builder is that the components of the main model (i.e. random-walk, capillary-building, diagram-drawing and aron-computing) are separated into independent AMPL models. The data between the components is exchanged via text, excel (xls) and access (mdb) files using AMPL’s ODBC handler [ ch | us ]. The advantage of such separation is the flexibility: for example the network built by the first phase (random-walk) can be used with another routing method, whose routing suggestions can be rated and compared with capillary routing using last phase (aron-computing).


All changes following previous version 060106ac36 [ ch | us ] are listed in a script [ txt | zip ] generated report page.



Download the capillary routing builder and ARON measurer: (6.51 MB)


For installation of this package it is required to have the following packages: AMPL, AFPL Ghostscript (for PDF slideshow) and ImageMagick (for GIF animation). For more information on the requirements check the download pages of the previous versions [ ch | us ]. Description of the method for capillary routing building and the algorithms are available on the documentation page [ ch | us ].



Installation instructions:

-         Unzip the package

-         Change the parameters of your model in the randomwalk-config.txt file (number of nodes, timeframes, random seed, etc)

-         At the AMPL’s command line prompt cd to the folder of the package and type model main.txt;

-         It will build the capillary routing and store the visual results in the diagram folder

-         The results of the ARON rating are stored in CSV files in aron folder


This package contains also an example of a random-walk ad-hoc mobile network with 9 nodes and 300 timeframes:

[ gif | pdf | config ]





-         main script

-         network configuration file

-         random walk configuration and script files

-         capillary routing configuration, script, build-log, clean-core, solve, solve-log and speedup files

-         link-views configuration, make and load files

-         diagram configuration and script files

-         slideshow configuration and script files

-         ARON computing configuration and script files

-         TODO doc file





-         All releases of capillary routing builder [ ch | us ]

-         Documentation on capillary routing [ ch | us ]



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